The actress became one of the ambassadors of Dorota Goldpoint’s project – The Inner Power, which is a tribute to mature and self-confident women.
she explains that she took part in the project because she would like women in Poland to be good, kind to each other and support each other. In her opinion, the situation is now the opposite. Ladies are often disloyal to each other and enjoy their friends’ failures.
Ladies are often distributed to each other. Joanna Kurowska claims that Dorota Goldpoint’s project is a chance to create the first real women’s league. and enjoy their friends’ failures. According to her, hypocrisy can be seen in Polish society. Everyone is aware of the unhealthy competition that exists between women on a daily basis, but no one decides to talk about it out loud.
– Manuela Gretkowska once tried to start a women’s league. She failed because it simply couldn’t be done. Because we women are disloyal to each other. Everyone knows about it, and when someone talks about it, there is surprise. This is the hypocrisy in the nation – says Joanna Kurowska to the Newseria Lifestyle agency.
The actress notes that the lack of solidarity is especially visible in crisis situations. Often, when misfortune befalls a friend, instead of supporting her in difficult times, women only talk about her behind her back. According to Kurowska, the reluctance to unite is one of the main problems that must be fought.
– When a woman says that her guy left her, all forces favor meetings with friends. However, when the friend leaves such a meeting, she starts saying to the other friend: you know, but she was a bit too fat. Or on the contrary: she was a bit too skinny. There will always be some comment: too sassy, too pretty, too ugly, too good – he explains.
On the other hand, when a man encounters disappointment or failure, it is quite the opposite. Joanna Kurowska explains that men are much more willing to give each other a helping hand and support each other more often. Women should follow their example in this respect.
– When a man is left by a woman, all forces start to favor him. He walks around with golden horns and is delighted with himself. After leaving the meeting, no colleague will say that there was something wrong with him. Everyone feels sorry for him and immediately there are a thousand women around him ready to comfort him – notes the actress.
Dorota Goldpoint’s project aims to make mature women aware of the inner strength that lies within them. The actress explains that it is also the first step towards female solidarity.
– I became an ambassador of The Inner Power project because it is such a tiny association of women that can say: girls, let’s be good to each other not only in spring – says Joanna Kurowska.
Full article at Begio.pl