Her book will be a hit – the Polish publishing market lacked substantive literature for mature women. We present an interview with the author of “The Heart Has No Wrinkles”, Dorota Goldpoint.

People come to their profession in different ways. What was it like for you?
I grew up in a family that didn’t take artistic professions seriously. And I dreamed of acting (the Machulski family allowed me to enter the Łódź Film School without exams), I was fascinated by design and sewing, and I was attracted to the artistic world. However, my parents pressed me to obtain a specific profession and graduate from a decent university such as the University. I had no support in my artistic ambitions, I was not allowed to leave Warsaw to study, and I was not a rebellious teenager. At home, reading books and learning foreign languages were emphasized, and hard work was valued. I took all this out of the house, but at the same time I felt a certain dissatisfaction.
The beginning of the studies coincided with the changes of 1989. I didn’t have to wait long: with my energy and enthusiasm for work, knowledge of languages and reading, the job found me. Trips to this other – “better” abroad were so fascinating that when I went on a business trip for the first time, full of impressions and a bit lost, I left my boarding pass at the hotel. The Western splendor, so different from the unleavened Polish reality, and the availability of almost everything, charmed me, stunned. Working during my studies in one of the first Polish corporations and taking part in regular training in London made me feel like a “young God”.
While still a student, I entered into a long-term relationship, which turned into marriage, and soon after our children were born. I started postgraduate studies, then analytical training. When the children went to school, I started working as a psychotherapist. I felt it was the right time for me; that I could devote myself to work without feeling guilty, and at the same time have time to devote to my children. I had a sense of fulfillment, but at the same time I felt a certain dissatisfaction, the inability to develop my full potential that (I was deeply convinced of this) was in me. Changes in my personal life resulted in a reevaluation of priorities and I decided to follow my artistic desire. At that time I felt a sense of fear mixed with determination.
Needless to say, how much effort the new venture required. After two years of running my own fashion brand for women, I decided that I needed more knowledge. I wanted to know, I wanted to learn from the best how to develop a company operating in this industry, so I completed a year of training in London. This year has marked five years since the presentation of my first collection. I am proud and happy that I managed to create a brand for mature women from scratch, which now has many satisfied customers.
To what extent does being a psychotherapist help you recognize the needs of your clients? Since it must be assumed that very much, let me ask you straight away: do fittings often become sessions?
I think that what distinguishes my brand from other Polish designers and clothing companies is the way and style of working with clients. Every woman who comes to me has the comfort of working directly with me, this happens by recognizing the needs that I identify during the conversation. It’s a process that usually takes about an hour, but there are clients who spend a few hours with me, come specially and order “in bulk”.
Is the project “The Inner Power”, which culminates in the book “The Heart Has No Wrinkles”, the result of these conversations with clients, or rather broader observations?
The Inner Power project is the result of observations, conversations with clients and acquired knowledge. I created it to support mature women, to prove that the perspective of maturity I propose can and should be perceived by women as their enormous potential, not as a limitation or burden.
My desire is to change the perception of mature women and restore balance in creating a proper place and position for them. Młodość trwa 15 lat, a dojrzałość 30, którym zatem okresem warto się zająć? Research shows that focusing on the so-called “millennials” have done a lot of damage to them. Young people are unable to handle certain issues and face challenges, they need time and life experience to place themselves in society skillfully and developmentally.
The growing expectations of employers, investing in integration trips ended in excesses and did not have a positive impact on work efficiency. Rising salaries and demands spoiled young people who did not develop, and the only increasing indicator in their case was the level of their demandingness.
The book “The Heart Has No Wrinkles” is intended to stimulate the reader’s reflection, open him to various important areas of life, help him deal with many dilemmas and doubts, and allow him to come to terms with the inevitable.

The project ambassadors are very famous women. Do you think that coping with maturity is easier for them than for the average Polish woman over fifty, or just the opposite?
The project ambassadors are wonderful, fulfilled and successful women: Grażyna Szapołowska, Agata Młynarska, Katarzyna Grochola, Alicja Węgorzewska, Anna Korcz, Joanna Kurowska, Jolanta Fraszyńska, Katarzyna Żak and honorary ambassador Irena Santor. They are real stars. Each of them has worked hard for their success and position. I think that it may be much more difficult for public figures to deal with the merciless PESEL, because their artistic professions require them to be in good shape and impeccable appearance. These wonderful women manage to do it and that is why I invited them to the project. It is from their attitude in life that every other woman will be able to draw inspiration and regain lost faith in her potential.
Have you ever treated your age as a burden rather than an asset?
I don’t remember, I never hid my age, although people often doubted how old I was. When I was 18, I looked 13 and wasn’t allowed to see adult films; I had to show ID. I am very disciplined and I have my own rituals that make me feel good about myself and my body, and if something bothers me, I either change it and work on it, or I accept it. I have a young soul that wants to live, I do not give up when difficulties come, and I think they have hardened me and made me grateful for everything I have received from life, without exception.
Or maybe maturity is neither an asset nor a burden, but rather a ballast that allows you to maintain balance and distance from time?
Maturity is a natural process that everyone must go through. The way we enter it and experience it depends on many factors. For me, maturity is, above all, balance in many areas: personal, professional, social. This is the time when I want to start sharing what I have accumulated in my life-loving interior. It is a time of reflection, sometimes sadness, because of what is leaving, passing away.
However, I am an optimist and I always see half a glass of water, I do not complain about fate or life. I do everything to have as much influence as possible. However, what I have no control over, I accept with gratitude and humility. I love people, I surround myself with those who, like me, look to the future, I appreciate every nice gesture, and I always respond to a smile with a smile. I avoid destruction because it takes away my energy and strength.

What was your goal when initiating the “The Inner Power” project?
By initiating the “The Inner Power” project, I wanted to achieve several goals: start a discussion about maturity supported by demographic changes and restore the balance in the media between promoting youth and appreciating maturity. I also wanted to support mature women and give them strength so that they are not afraid to fight for themselves. So that they begin to appreciate their potential, and not long for the unreal or sigh for something seemingly lost. To love themselves…
In addition to the richly described field of psychology of adulthood, supported by extensive knowledge, you supplemented the book with very practical advice from your everyday practice – the addition of “Must have”. So something for the soul and body?
I realize that some parts of the book may be difficult and require returning to them, because each time the reader will discover their new meaning, and that is the point. It is good to read this book many times, especially since life brings many puzzles and emerging impasses, resistance to changes needs a growing internal space to metabolize what is here and now.
At the request of my clients, I have prepared a catalog of “Must have” inspirations for mature women. About 50. our figure often changes due to hormonal changes, and the passage of time and changes require reviewing our current wardrobe. This catalog is intended to suggest how to build a wardrobe base so that we still feel feminine and attractive, and at the same time appropriate to our age and figure.
What does a fulfilled, mature and still full of energy woman, as you undoubtedly are, expect from the future?
I want to develop further, continue building a brand that will take care of every woman, dress for various circumstances, and pay special attention to the needs and desires deeply hidden at the bottom of the heart, which has no wrinkles. I want to continue to love and be loved, I want to watch the lives of my adult sons with joy and admiration.
I work for good health and well-being, as well as valuable relationships with people close to me.