According to Dorota Goldpoint, designers should prove as often as possible that fashion and beauty can also be XXL. This is an alternative for many women who, for various reasons, primarily health, do not fit into the current canon. It is worth showing that clothes for plus size women can also be tasteful, elegant and appropriate. matched to your body type. Every woman should be able to fee attractive and try to accept her body, even if it is not perfect. He must also not forget to regularly check his health.
In 2018, a definition of the word “body positivity” – acceptance of one’s body – was added to the website of the Language Observatory of the University of Warsaw. The slogan “body positive” is also conquering social media and gives women the green light to come to terms with heir complexes and accept their reflection in the lips. Body positivity is about normalizing different versions of beauty and calling for them to appear more widely in the media. Negative opinions on this subject are increasingly heard, claiming that it is a movement promoting obesity. Dorota Goldpoint believes that beauty is not reserved only for slim women. It can also be XXL in size. Fighting stereotypes can be difficult, but it is worth convincing all women that regardless of their figure, they are attractive and unique.
– XXL models are a fashionable topic that has recently been frequently discussed in the media. I had an XXL model at my show a few years ago, who caused an avalanche of applause, Dolce & Gabbana also introduces such models. I think that on the one hand, it is telling the world: we accept you, women, regardless of whether you are size 34 or 54, we sew for you, we can dress you and we invite you to our place. This is one side of the message, but on the other hand, one may wonder whether, for example, excessive exposure of such a female body, flaunting it or boasting about it in photos, especially nude ones, is acceptable, or whether it is some kind of health problem that was not noticed – Dorota Goldpoint tells Newseria Lifestyle agency.
According to the designer, XXL women very often struggle with both lack of acceptance from their surroundings and various health problems.
– These may be hormonal problems, sometimes after giving birth to a child, women remain overweight. Water may also retain in the body and certain changes may occur that are beyond your control. Very often it is also diabetes or other problems. And I am always in favor of this golden mean, that is, we say: we accept you and you have the right to look beautiful, you have the right to dress beautifully, but be careful, examine yourself and check whether your figure does not indicate anything dangerous. – emphasizes.
Dorota Goldpoint explains that although an XL or XXL figure may look attractive and it is possible to easily sew clothes in styles that will highlight the advantages and mask the imperfections, few designers decide to do so. However, she herself belongs to this small group and invites all ladies who need advice and help in this matter to her studio.
– Any woman can dress here. I am able to create a style, dress, suit for any woman, regardless of figure. I always have Monica Bellucci in the back of my mind. On the one hand, she is now a size, let’s say 44 or 42, but she looks very feminine. She shows her body, exposes it, but in a very subtle way. There is never any exaggeration there, even if there is an exposed shoulder or a bit of cleavage, everything looks very in moderation. And I am a supporter of showing femininity in this way, with a slight dose of hiding those parts of the body that are intimate and that one does not want to reveal to the general public. So once again – moderation in everything – says the designer.
In her opinion, trends change very quickly and plus-size models appearing on some catwalks no longer surprise anyone, although they may still arouse disgust or controversy.
– Twiggy used to be an unattainable ideal figure, i.e. very boyish, even anorexic. I think that many designers still like such models, because virtually any clothes look good on them. However, the world has shown, people have shown and the street has shown that there are very few such slim women. And if we only see very slim models on the catwalk, and the recipients are normal women who look very different, it is demotivating. And brands have discovered that in order to be sold, they have to show clothes on larger figures, they also have to accept larger figures, and thus introduce models with feminine shapes on the catwalk – Dorota Goldpoint says.
That is why industry magazines and portals increasingly promote bodies in various sizes. This is due to the demands of the market and society.
Full article at lifestyle.newseria.pl