With Dorota Goldpoint, fashion designer, creator of creations including. Polish first lady, interviewed by Michal Korsun
The dream of most fashion designers is to sew creations for famous people. The black and white dress of your authorship, in which our President Agatha Kornhauser-Duda and her husband appeared at the White House, was noticed and appreciated by the media. Please tell us about the preparations for this visit?
Dorota Goldpoint: The visit of our presidential couple to the United States, where they met with then-President Donald Trump and his wife, was a very important political event.
Each trip to the U.S. is carefully prepared, and so it was this time. The fact that Melania Trump is a beautiful, well-dressed woman with recognizable style, for me as a designer only raised the bar. Especially since during official visits to the White House the outfit of the first ladies attracts the attention of the media and commentators, because it is treated as a message and informal language.
Did you get any suggestions before sewing this dress for the president?
It is often the case that we have a certain range of colors in which we can move and which the president accepts. For state occasions we allow red, but we are also happy to see navy blue. Lighter colors in summer, darker colors in winter. Returning to the black and white creation, there was a request to create a dress with contrast. I decided that the juxtaposition of black and white creates the most beautiful clash of colors. Above all, it evokes very elegant associations. Besides, the creation, with its asymmetrical neckline and asymmetrical cuts, pays homage to the classics while smiling beautifully at modernity.
When women who are dressed alike meet at the same event, they don’t gush about it. In order to avoid awkwardness, does information about the colors and styling of the wife of the president of the visited country arrive before visits of such stature?
This is an interesting question. In fact, sometimes we receive such information. Cyclic, recurring events can be analyzed from photos, and here we get a hint about color, but sometimes you have to trust your intuition.
However, let’s go back in time. How did the cooperation with the Presidential Palace come about in the first place?
The story is very interesting and multi-layered. Jurata is home to the couple’s pastor and Fr. Marcin Nowak, the person everyone seems to turn to when they have a problem. He is truly a wonderful person. In any case, he organized a concert by opera singer Alicja Węgorzewska at his church. For the occasion, the seamstress was to sew a creation. Unfortunately, she did it wrong, further damaging the material. One of my clients, who was involved in organizing the concert, called me to ask for help. Two days before the singer’s performance. (…)
Read more in Network Weekly, Issue No. 52/2022_1/2023/2022 (525/526) and at sieciprawdy.pl