You remember your first love for the rest of your life. Sometimes it lasts for years, other times it is a short but extremely intense experience. How does it affect our lives? Actress Joanna Kurowska, journalist Damian Michałowski and sociologist Tomasz Sobierajski talked about it in the Dzień Dobry TVN studio.
First love is painful for some, joyful for others. It can be fulfilled or platonic. Whatever form it takes, we can be sure of one thing – it leaves a mark on our future lives.
First adolescent relationships
First love is particularly important to each of us. Initial relationships can be very turbulent. During this time, we experience new emotions, learn closeness and experience things for the first time.
Most of the first times in life are unsuccessful, clumsy, but very pure, and that is why we have great sentiment for this first love.
– said the sociologist.
During adolescence, the storm of hormones also plays an important role, affecting the emotionality of relationships. Over time, everything stabilizes and we become more balanced. Although most first relationships fall apart over time, they still remain in our minds. Failures are part of the experience of first loves, but in hindsight we do not remember the negative experiences, but only the positive ones.
Recently it turned out that we remember first love for the reason that it is associated with a very strong fear. Fear of being beaten, fear of rejection, fear that something will go wrong, that the person we love very much will leave.
– added the sociologist.
How many times in life does a person fall in love?
This question is very difficult to answer. It all depends on the person. There are people who spend their whole lives with their first love. There are also those who have many partners before they find that one love.
As Tomasz Sobierajski admitted, a worse phenomenon are the ideas about relationships presented on social media. A quarter of us would like to return to our first love, which is not a good solution at all. First loves do not work in adult life, because after many years many changes have occurred in our lives.
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