The designer explains that through the book “The heart has no wrinkles. The Inner Power wanted to pay tribute to mature women. In her opinion, the 50th birthday is an important, even breakthrough moment in the life of each woman. But maturity is only beautiful when it is understood and accepted. Therefore, in her publication, the designer broadly defines concepts such as “mature femininity”, “motherhood” and “mature relationships”. It also describes the dilemmas and doubts that arise with the merciless passage of time.
In the introduction to the book “The heart has no wrinkles.” The Inner Power” Dorota Goldpoint explains that her desire was to show and consolidate in social awareness the strength and enormous inner power that mature women have within themselves. Therefore, in times when there is a cult of youth, they should not be pushed to the margins, invisible to the world or transparent. The author wanted to show that maturity is a potential, not a burden.
– This is a book for women, but not only. It is about transience, about what each of us must experience. In the book I show that even if the heart has scars because it has had some difficult experiences, it never stops loving. We want to be loved, we want to love and share what is beautiful with our loved ones – says Dorota Goldpoint, fashion designer, to the Newseria Lifestyle agency.
The symbol of the “The Inner Power” project is a woman tree. But for a tree to have beautiful flowers and fruits, it must have strong and healthy roots. Women 50 plus are just like that. Their secret weapon is inner balance and experience that they have accumulated throughout their lives.
– I write about how to deal with various difficult moments, for example when a woman is alone, when she notices the first signs of aging on her body. How to come to terms with what takes up our time, how to deal with the merciless PESEL number and how to see the potential in the fact that we are passing time and something is running out, but we are also building something within ourselves. And this value is this inner power – says Dorota Goldpoint.
The designer also dared to publish very personal experiences.
– The book also contains very personal fragments, for example in one of the chapters I describe how my beloved grandmother passes away. I also write about what it’s like to be a mother of two sons – says Dorota Goldpoint.
For the “The Inner Power” project, the designer invited well-known and respected women who talk about their life struggles – both successes and painful failures, and also reveal what their strength is and what they draw power from. Its ambassadors include: Grażyna Szapołowska, Irena Santor, Jolanta Fraszyńska, Anna Korcz and Agata Młynarska.
– This book is part of the project, “The Inner Power”. It means what we build inside ourselves, what is invisible to the eye but is very strong, what emanates from each of my beautiful ambassadors. That’s why I chose these women, because each of them has great achievements, is strong, beautiful, experienced in life, but is also able to talk openly about what hurts, but also enjoy what she has, her resources. – says Dorota Goldpoint.
Full article at ifakty.pl