The designer notes that many employers do not want to employ women over 50. . Even though they often have a lot to offer, especially extensive experience and knowledge, job offers for them appear very rarely. That is why Dorota Goldpoint wants to prove that mature women should have their place in life and in society, because they are perfect in many roles. Alone on her 50th birthday. launched the “The Inner Power” project, which she dedicated to women 50+.
In an interview with the Newseria Lifestyle agency in May 2018, Grażyna Szapołowska, who is now one of the ambassadors of the “The Inner Power” project, regretfully admitted that due to her age, she had already been put in the drawer of “forgotten actors” and therefore appeared much less often. appear on the screen. Dorota Goldpoint understands her bitterness perfectly.
– Actresses especially face the passage of time, because when they are beautiful, they are sought after. When they reach this milestone age of 50, there are actually no roles for them – the designer tells the Newseria Lifestyle agency.
He explains that the situation is not much better in other professions. Women over 50 have little chance of finding a lucrative job. Employers are concerned, among other things, that they will have difficulty keeping up with a young team and adapting to new technological solutions.
– There are no offers on the market and, in fact, no jobs for fifty-year-old women, and contrary to appearances, these are the best employees. A woman of this age has already raised her children, is fully formed as a woman, as a person, as an employee and can give a lot in the next 15-20 years. Employers do not appreciate this because they are chasing young people, they want to have their apples and eat them, they want to have young people with experience. This cannot be achieved. So either he is young with no experience or mature with experience – says Dorota Goldpoint.
According to the designer, women 50+ are often open to new things, have no problem adapting to new situations and quickly take the initiative. Their advantage is also their vast knowledge and valuable experience gained over the years.
– Everything in life has its place and I want to show that mature women should also have their place in life and in society. I would like my project to restore their place, dignity, respect for authorities, for people who have extensive experience in their professional work, but also want to pass it on to other generations, because that is our role – says Dorota Goldpoint.
Full article at lifestyle.newseria.pl